KUMEKATHON! Ukrainian Solana Hackathon (EN)
KUMEKATHON! Ukrainian Solana Hackathon (EN)

KUMEKATHON! Ukrainian Solana Hackathon (EN)

Launch Your Breakthrough Web3 Project on Solana Blockchain


Be part of East Europe’s largest web3 event — UA Blockchain Week '24 by Incrypted


What Are We Doing?

Our goal remains the same: to create a breakthrough web3 startup loved by the Ukrainian and global web3 community. Focus on a working business model and interaction with the Solana blockchain or its ecosystem. 🦾

Recommended Tracks


One of the main trends in 2024. The goal is to challenge traditional service providers.

DeFi & Payments

Develop new decentralized applications and protocols to promote a more open financial system.

DAO & Communities

Create tools, experiment with new governance structures, and launch offline and online communities.

Consumer Apps

Create the next generation of cryptocurrency-based mobile and web products to attract more users. Winners will receive the new Chapter 2 Solana mobile device when it is released..


Develop games on the blockchain and NFT.


Build robust tools and infrastructure to support applications in the Solana ecosystem

Secret track

Find out at the hackathon 🤫


We do not limit teams and projects
Feel free to bring and develop any idea in any direction.
Submit new projects and the ones you've been nurturing for a long time
We can only advise on the direction of work and development


Kumeka Team, Solana Foundation, and hackathon partners are preparing:

🏆 $200,000 in prizes, grants, and seed funding distributed among winners.

The amount will be distributed among the winners. Wait for the details!

<cooking some details>

🏅 Project Pitching at Ukrainian Blockchain Week '24

We will select the hackathon finalists who will be able to present their projects at the Solana Kumekathon Meetup on June 21, 2024. A large Ukrainian web3 audience will see you!

🚀 Media Support from Incrypted worth $10,000

The entire crypto community will be buzzing about you. The winner and two runners-up will receive media support totaling $10,000 from UBWʼ24 organizer Incrypted.

🔥 Pitching to Solana Foundation Top Management

Didn't we tell you that the global web3 community will find out about you? A more interesting business model means more chances to raise investments directly from the ecosystem!


👥 Join our community on Discord or Telegram.

When and How?

  • June 14-20, 2024
  • Register and submit projects via pitchtalk.com. Participation is possible online from anywhere in the world
  • Winners will be announced on June 23 at the main Incrypted conference.
  • June 21: Finalists will present at the Solana Kumekathon Meetup in Kyiv.
The start of the hackathon: June 14, ʼ24
Deadline for project submission: June 20, ʼ24 at 13:00 Kyiv time
Registration: Pitchtalk
Prizes: up to $200K in prizes, grants, and seed funding; and others
Announcement of the winners: June 23 at UBW’24 Conf
Kumeka Team co-founders: Mark & Andrew

Participation Conditions for Kumekathon!

Here are the answers to your questions:

  1. Projects that use Solana in any way to create solutions and experiment with blockchain technology, integrate Solana into their product, or interact with the Solana blockchain or ecosystem to generate new ideas are eligible to participate in the hackathon.
  2. We welcome ALL participants of the Solana Renaissance hackathon. This is another chance to present your project and show progress since Solana Renaissance
  3. We also welcome new projects and teams.
  4. You can participate in the hackathon from anywhere in the world.
  5. The tracks we provide are optional. You can consider them or not
  6. The project can be at any stage of readiness.
  7. It is very important to prepare a business model. Pay significant attention to this
  8. To submit a project, you need to create a video presentation similar to Solana Renaissance. You can do it in Ukrainian. The recommended video length is up to 5 minutes
  9. Code is also important—ensure the technical implementation of the project


What Should Be in the Project Presentation?

We recommend creating a video presentation about the project.

You should cover:

  • Team background
  • The product itself
  • Why you started developing the product
  • Potential market opportunities
  • How you launched or plan to launch the product to the target audience (or user feedback if available)
  • How the product works or will work (demonstration)
  • The presentation should be no longer than five minutes.
Do I Need to Be in Ukraine to Participate in Kumekathon?

No, you can participate and submit your project from anywhere in the world.

What Are the Project Evaluation Criteria?
  • Team:

Who is creating the product? Does the team have the relevant experience? Why are they interested in solving the problem?

  • Functionality:

How well does the product work? How well is the code written?

  • Potential Impact:

How large is the market the project will cover? What will be its impact on the Solana ecosystem?

  • Novelty:

How unique is the project's concept?

  • User Experience:

How well does the project use Solana's performance to create an excellent user experience?

  • Open Source:

Is the project open source? How well does it integrate with other primitives in the Solana ecosystem?

  • Business Plan:

Can a business be built around this project? Is it commercializable? This is a crucial criterion, so ensure your presentation (slides or video) provides a comprehensive overview of the project.

How Does the Project Submission Procedure Work?

There is no traditional defense. You need to submit your presentation or video along with all project files. A good presentation is highly recommended as it will be reviewed by the jury.

How to Submit a Project on the Pitchtalk Platform?
Can a Project from the Solana Renaissance Hackathon Participate in Kumekathon?

Yes, you are welcome here! We would love to see your updates!

What Is the Submission Deadline for Kumekathon?

The deadline for project submission is June 20, 2024, at 13:00 Kyiv time.

Who from Solana Foundation Will Attend the Project Presentations?

Representatives from the top management of Solana Foundation will attend. More details will be announced soon.

📅 Розклад

27.05 - 19.06

Registration and project development

14.06 - 20.06

Project submission on Pitchtalk


Judging period


Finalists' presentations at Solana Kumekathon Meetup


Winners announced at the main UBW’24 conference

KUMEKATHON! Partners & Sponsors

See you at Ukrainian Blockchain Week’24!

Solana Community Meetup by Kumeka Team & Incrypted